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UK Delivery

Delivery to addresses within the UK will be dispatched within 5 working days.
Please note that parcels will need to be signed for in person. Please make sure the delivery address is accurate when ordering from and that there will be someone to sign and take delivery for the goods when they arrive. If you miss the delivery, Royal Mail will leave information note and you will be able to collect your parcel from the post office.

Price breakdown below:

  • Orders under £75.00 are sent via Royal Mail Special Delivery service and charged at £7.50 per order.

  • Orders over £75.00 will be sent via Royal Mail Special Delivery service and are free of charge


Please note that cannot be held responsible for any postal delays once the goods have left us.

Delivery restrictions:  We do reserve the right not to deliver an order if we believe the address isn’t secure, for example to a communal postal address or PO box. If this affects an order you place, we'll notify you as soon as possible.

Orders outside of the UK

Delivery to addresses outside of the UK will be dispatched within 5 working days.
Please note goods delivered to Outside of the UK may be liable for Customs Duties in accordance with the destination country import rules.  The recipient of the goods, who may not be the person who has ordered them, will receive a separate request for payment of these charges.  The customer / receiver is fully responsible for the payment should it occur. As we have no control over these charges and cannot predict what they may be, we are sorry that we are not able to offer any assistance on these processes.  We would advise that you check the imports charges applicable before ordering goods. 

Please note that parcels will need to be signed for in person. Please make sure the delivery address is accurate when ordering from and that there will be someone to sign and take delivery for the goods when they arrive. If you miss the delivery, Postal Service will leave information note and you will be able to collect your parcel from the post office.
Please note that cannot be held responsible for any postal delays once the goods have left our premises. 

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